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Date: Wed May 10 - 2017

Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Location: Amaroo On Mandalay - Nelly Bay


Join the fun and get fit! Exercise in a pool with the revolutionary MagnaPool filtering technology. Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the added magnesium and potassium in the water - just as you would at the famous mineral water spas around the world! Grace takes an inspiring and fun class that incorporates a wide range of movements for people of all ages and abilities.
Times: Mondays and Thursdays 4pm - 5pm.
Wednesdays 9am-10am.
At: Amaroo On Mandalay pool (previously All Seasons/International Resort).
Single class: $12pp. Multi-pass: 10 classes for $100.
To book ring: 0408 195 157.

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