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Adult Learning

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Magnetic Island is a community with a great adult_learning_magnetic_island
mixture of adult learning programs

in place

U3A is a self-help, not for profit organization devoted to learning for the fun of learning, while making new friends and keeping old ones. U3A offer a number of courses with an annual fee for membership of $40 with one free class.

For the following classes, you are invited to your first introductory class for free, after which there is no class cost, but a U3A membership is required.

U3A Monday Talks
Every Monday from 10am to 12noon.
A wide range of subjects are covered including scientific and

U3A Tai Chi
Chi Kung excercise class

Every Tuesday 7am to 8am.

U3A French Conversation Class
(Some competence required)
Every Wednesday 9.30am to 11am.

U3A Recorder Ensemble
Music through the recorder.
Every Tuesday, 1.30-3.30pm.

U3A Singers
Every Wednesday 7.00pm-8.30pm.

U3A Spanish Class
Every Thursday from 9.30am to 11am.

Tai Chi-Yang
Every Friday 7am to 8am.

Check out the daily What's On calendar in the top left hand corner of this page for more info.

Would you like to start a U3A class?
If you have a great idea and you'd like to start a class in your chosen topic,
just email all the details to Liz McDine at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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