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Bus, Taxi & Rideshare

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Sunbus Magnetic Island
Sunbus run regular timetables which connect with the Sealink ferry arrivals and departures.

Ticket prices: Single $3.60 Daily $7.20 Weekly: $28.80

Bus timetable.
Bus route map.

Magnetic Island - Taxis
To book your Magnetic Island Taxi call the driver directly on 0432 207 186. There are two maxi taxis seating 10 passengers with wheelchair access, and one sedan seating 4 passengers.

Townsville Taxis
If you're heading back to the mainland and you need a taxi from the Sealink passenger ferry at the Breakwater Terminal in Townsville, or from the Magnetic Island Ferries in South Townsville to go to the airport or to your accommodation, simply call 133 222.

Townsville - Airport Shuttle Services
The Townsville airport is only 10 - 15minutes to Townsville CBD and the ferry and barge terminals. To book your airport shuttle bus from the airport to the Breakwater terminal (to Magnetic Island) visit shuttletsv.com.au, call 0478 160 036 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Please book at least 3 hours in advance online (otherwise call) to allow for scheduling.
Townsville Shuttle prices are only:
$10 single

$15 couple
$15 for group of 3

$20 for a group of 4

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