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waterfallsmagneticislandEnjoying a refreshing waterfall on Magnetic Island is the perfect day time adventure during the wet season. In the heavy rains, new waterfalls spring up everywhere around the island.

1. Endeavour Falls - Arcadia
The most popular and easiest to get to is Endeavour Falls in Arcadia (Petersen Creek). Rock pools and the refreshing flow of sparkling, cool water are a popular stop for families and friends. There is a lower and an upper waterfall.

NB: In mid 2013 a rock fall has deposited a large bolder in the centre
of the Endeavour Falls rock pool.

2. Cockle Bay/ West Point Road
A dirt track near a old shed, on the West Point Road past the Cockly Bay Road entrance, signals the entrance to this small rock pool and water fall.

3. Huntingfield Bay - Five Beach Bay
You'll need to hop on a boat to see these remote waterfalls, but the adventure is well worth it!

There are other waterfalls are on the island but some are on private property, which we cannot disclose here.

Creeks and gullies
Many a wet season has seen kids and families enjoying the Magnetic Island creeks and gullies. Some creeks such as Gustav Creek in Nelly Bay have always been a favourite for kids.

Have fun, but please be aware that after a heavy rain these watercourses can be quite dangerous and can swell quickly due to their catchment area.


If you visit any waterfalls or walking tracks while you are on Magnetic Island we simply ask if you could take any rubbish with you once you leave, to retain a pristine environment for others to enjoy.

Don't know how to get there?

Just download the Magnetic Island Map:

Have we missed a waterfall we should list?

If it's not on private property and you'd like us to list another waterfall, simply This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it the details.

(Photos courtesy of Neal Saker)



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