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World Heritage

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world_heritage_logo_lrMagnetic Island is located within the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef.

Lose yourself for a day, a week, or forever on Magnetic Island. You will notice that it’s like no other island getaway.

The contrasting landscape of this island makes this natural destination truly distinctive.

The rocky granite headlands fuse with the 23 bays and beaches studded with magnificent Hoop pine trees, creating a dramatic coastline.

Visible from the sea, Mount Cook hovers above the eucalypt woods and green vine forests. The island provides the perfect setting for a unique escape.


Magnetic Island World Heritage Reports
The following documents are available for download. These may take some time to download:

1. Magnetic Island's World Heritage Values - A preliminary assessment 2004

2. A request to publish the Kenchington and Hergerl Report has been made and we will seek to post this document as soon as possible.

3. Review of Kenchington and Hegerl FINAL May 2006

4.Magnetic Island, Queensland Policy Statement
EPBC Act policy statement 5.1
Department of the Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, October 2010

For more information and important facts about Magnetic Island, click here.

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